Saturday, July 30, 2005

Hello? Anybody home?

I just got home from work to find the house empty. I don't know where anyone is and I would much rather be doing anything, anywhere than sitting here in the house all alone.

Work was pretty crazy today. I don't know why all of humanity has to wait until the last Saturday of the month to come to the BMV and then COMPLAIN about how packed it is. Okay, all the steam is blown off.

I've had the same song lyrics repeating over and over in my head today, all at the same time. First is "I want to fall in love with you." I don't know who sings it, what the title is, or how the rest goes. Also, Let my words be few and another song that says over and over "We, we love you, we love you Lord, we love you and. . . " KLOVE started it by playing that first song on the radio when I was heading to work this morning.

Where is everyone?

Oh, someone's home!

Sarah Jo

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