It was an interesting morning. I arrived to find that I did not have any change for the meter, so I went to the bank to correct the situation. I arrive for a second time, the door is locked. I knock. No answer. So, I called. Apparently, the place has moved down the street. But, after everything, I passed my notary test today. So, I guess in 4-6 weeks I'll be a Notary Public.
Then, I drove to Oxford to take my speech and hearing screening. I felt really out of place and confused there.
And now, it looks like a tree exploded on my car. Its covered in bloom things.
I took a nap today and dreamed of taking a nap, and getting interrupted by a phone call. I wake up to find that I missed a phone call. . .
The other day, I made a list of all the things I love about a person and gave the list to said person. That was awesome. We should do that for everyone. Well, maybe not, that might get creepy. Mine wasn't creepy, I assure you.
This hot chocolate is SO good.
Now, where on earth are my parents?
Sarah Jo
Thursday, April 20, 2006
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1 comment:
Congratulations Sarah Jo! Oxford does suck. hehe. Today you are going to Oxford preview day, so maybe once you get familiar with the campus you can like it better.
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