Sunday, October 26, 2008

White Ink Tattoo

This is my new tattoo one day old. The blue parts are from the stencil mixing with the ink. Hopefully it will fade as it heals. If not, I'm going to have to get it touched up. There is already less blue in it than there was before, so I'm feeling hopeful. I'll post another when its all healed up.


Anonymous said...

Did the blue ink disappear now ♥ ?

Unknown said...

Yes it did! And it is still as bright today as it was when it healed out. I'll try to post a photo soon. Several people have asked I've just been having trouble getting photos from my phone to google. :)

Anonymous said...

Please post photos of it now that the stencil ink is gone

Lindsay said...

Hi! I just got a white ink tattoo as well and mine looks a little blueish/greyish like in the picture of yours. I just got it yesterday. Do you have an after photo of yours posted?? I'm so curious! I hope mine will look good when it is healed but right now... its depressing me :(

gerrard said...

Thank you for the information. I"m interested in white ink tattoos.

Unknown said...

My white tattooo is 3 days old. I have little blue patches in 4 areas however I called the artist and she said if in 3 weeks are still there I should go and see her however reading your post that it actually the blue has disaappeared I'm hopeful.

My question is: has your tattoo did any scapping? Mine doesn't look that it will so far. I'm putting the cream and follow the aftercare instructions.