Monday, June 06, 2005

"Life after death and taxes"

Apparently, The Devil does exist, and he is very polite. You know, I think he has gotten quite a bad rap. So what if he likes to torture human souls for all eternity, at least he's honest about it, and you can't even say that about your mechanic. I'd join him if I hadn't already given my soul away to the Guy Upstairs. . . But you know, playing the harp and floating on a cloud sounds more like my thing than swimming in a lake of fire and brimstone. And since Im going to be a kindergarten teacher, I think I'd rather spend eternity with the child-like cherubs than demons. To each his own right?


Anonymous said...

im glad to hear ur devoted to the Guy Upstairs! i miss you at work! the Bug just isnt the same!!Me and Teresa are goin to hang out sometime soon and maybe if ur off tha tnight you can come with us! we will be havin dinner together and all that jazz! itll be fun! We still need to go on our walk! have a great night! im goin to finish talkin to u now!Bye ~Bri~

Anonymous said...

Wow! Shower me with the raindow! I just love Skittles!

Anonymous said...

I've been called all kinds of names, but Pluto is a dog. I liked it when I was Lucifer, but I don't want to discuss that because I try to keep my blog light (humorous). Get it? Light -- Lucifer. Ain't I a funny devil! Well, maybe I'm not.